
Several Solutions and Analysis of the Traveling Salesman Problem

*** [📄[Document](https://github.com/ffengc/TSP-Solutions-and-Analysis/blob/main/README.md)]   [đŸ’ģ[Platform](https://www.mathworks.com/)]  
[🌅[Code](https://github.com/ffengc/TSP-Solutions-and-Analysis/)]   [📖[Report PDF](https://ffengc.github.io/TSP-Solutions-and-Analysis/report.pdf)]  

[!NOTE] If you have any questions about the operation and implementation of this project, or if you have better optimization suggestions for this project, you can contact me directly or leave an issue in the repository.


By calling hopfield.m, ga.m, dp.m, you can run different solutions to the TSP in the report.

For more detailed information, please see the experiment section of the report PDF (Chinese Only): https://ffengc.github.io/TSP-Solutions-and-Analysis/report.pdf