

A C++ version of the simplified message queue component is implemented based on RabbitMQ. In order to learn RabbitMQ, this project encompasses the essence and core functions of a high-performance messaging system, imitates the basic architecture of RabbitMQ, and focuses on the publish-subscribe mechanism.

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[!TIP] If you have any questions about the operation and implementation of this project, or if you have better optimization suggestions for this project, you can contact me directly or leave an issue in the repository.

About MQ Middleware

Message queuing (MQ) middleware is a software or service used to asynchronously pass messages between different applications, systems, or services. It allows various systems to communicate independently without having to connect directly to each other, thereby improving the scalability, flexibility, and maintainability of the system. Some typical uses of message queue middleware include decoupling service components, enhancing concurrent processing capabilities, and balancing loads.

RabbitMQ is a popular open source message queue system that supports multiple message protocols, mainly using AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol). RabbitMQ allows applications to send, receive, and store messages through a simple protocol until they are received. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Flexible routing: RabbitMQ provides a variety of message routing methods, including direct, topic, header, and fan-out exchanges, which makes it very flexible in messaging.
  2. Reliability: RabbitMQ supports message persistence to ensure that messages are not lost due to server failures.
  3. High availability: RabbitMQ clusters can be configured to ensure high availability and failover of services.
  4. Multiple client support: Supports client libraries in multiple programming languages, such as Python, Java, .NET, etc.

Message queue middleware such as RabbitMQ is widely used in various scenarios such as big data processing, microservice architecture, distributed systems, and real-time data processing.

This project will focus on RabbitMQ, learn and extract the essence of it, learn the basic principles of RabbitMQ, and perform a simple simulation implementation of it. By studying this project, you can deepen your understanding of message queue middleware, which will be of great help to subsequent development.

Effect Demonstration


As shown in the figure, after the server is turned on, log in to the client using two terminals, define the switch, queue and binding relationship, and then clientA sends a message to the switch group1. After clientB subscribes to the queue group1_q, it can receive the message sent by clientA. This is the most basic function demonstration. For other detailed functions, please refer to the detailed usage documentation.

Technology stack

Environment Configuration

Configuration and deployment ### Basic tools **First, you need the following basic tools:** `gcc/g++` versions higher than 7, git, cmake, etc. ### Install `protobuf` It is a serialization and deserialization tool. Installation dependencies: ```sh # centos sudo yum install autoconf automake libtool curl make gcc-c++ unzip # ubuntu sudo apt update sudo apt install autoconf automake libtool curl make g++ unzip ``` Download the protobuf package: ```sh wget https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v3.20.2/protobuf-all-3.20.2.tar.gz ``` Compile and install: ```sh # unzip tar -zxf protobuf-all-3.20.2.tar.gz cd protobuf-3.20.2/ # Run the directory configuration script ./autogen.sh # Run the configuration script ./configure # Compile (takes longer) make # Install sudo make install # Confirm whether the installation is successful protoc --version ``` ![](/HareMQ/assets/2.png) The installation is successful as shown in the figure. ### Install the muduo lib Download the code. ```sh git clone https://github.com/chenshuo/muduo.git ``` Installation dependencies: ```sh # centos sudo yum install gcc-c++ cmake make zlib zlib-devel boost-devel # ubuntu sudo apt update sudo apt install g++ cmake make zlib1g zlib1g-dev libboost-all-dev ``` > ‼️ Here I want to explain that if the compilation process prompts that the protoc related library cannot be found, it is because the installation path of protobuf at that time is different from that required by muduo. You need to link the related library to the specified location (depending on the error message). > Another possible problem is the error related to the boost library (python conda is installed on the machine). It may appear that when muduo looks for boost, it finds the boost in conda. The solution is to temporarily hide annaconda3, and then the compilation will be successful. ### Verify that muduo is installed successfully > **Tips:** The compiled `muduo` executable is in the `build` directory of the parent directory, not in the `muduo` directory. It is in the `build` directory at the same level as `muduo`. ![](/HareMQ/assets/3.png) Enter the directory where muduo tests can be executed: `build/release-cpp11/bin` run the demo server: ```sh ./protobuf_server 9091 ``` Similarly, if a link error occurs, just link the corresponding library to the corresponding place. run the demo client: ```sh ./protobuf_client 9091 ``` ![](/HareMQ/assets/4.png) The test is passed as shown in the figure. ### Install SQLite3 This is a lightweight database. ```sh # centos sudo yum install sqlite-devel # ubuntu sudo apt install sqlite3 # Verify installation sqlite3 --version ``` ### Install the gtest testing framework ```sh # centos sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum install dnf sudo dnf install dnf-plugins-core sudo dnf install gtest gtest-devel # ubuntu sudo apt update sudo apt install libgtest-dev ``` Test whether gtest is installed successfully: Run the `env/test.cc` code. If the output is normal, the installation is successful. ![](/HareMQ/assets/5.png)

These are the documents and codes I compiled while learning some third-party frameworks I needed to use during this project.

If you are not interested in this part or have already mastered the use of these frameworks, you can skip it directly.

Project Framework

Basic Framework

Among them, Broker Server is the core part, responsible for the storage and forwarding of messages

In the AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, an application layer standard advanced message queue protocol that provides unified message services, designed for message-oriented middleware, making full-function interoperability between client applications and message middleware servers that comply with this specification possible) model, that is, in the message middleware server Broker, there are the following concepts:

[!NOTE] The data structure shown in the structure diagram needs to be stored in both memory and hard disk.

Core API

For Broker, the following core APIs need to be implemented to implement the basic functions of the message queue.

  1. Create an exchange exchangeDeclare
  2. Destroy an exchange exchangeDelete
  3. Create a queue queueDeclare
  4. Destroy a queue queueDelete
  5. Create a binding queueBind
  6. Unbind queueUnbind
  7. Publish a message basicPublish
  8. Subscribe to a message basicConsume
  9. Confirm a message basicAck
  10. Unsubscribe basicCancel

On the other hand, producers and consumers remotely call these APIs through the network to implement the producer-consumer model.

[!NOTE] About VirtualHost: For RabbitMQ, VirtualHost can also be created and deleted at will. This part of the function is not temporarily implemented in this project (it is relatively simple to implement, and some structural designs related to virtual hosts will be completed in the code, and the management logic can be completed/modified by yourself)


For RabbitMQ, four exchange types are mainly supported:

[!TIP] These three operations are just like sending red envelopes to a group chat


Exchange, Queue, Binding, Message and other data all have persistence requirements. When the program is restarted/the host is restarted, the content is guaranteed not to be lost.

Network communication

Both the producer and the consumer are clients, and the Broker acts as a server, communicating over the network. The above content has already mentioned the network APIs that the Broker needs to provide. Now let’s list the APIs required by the client.

  1. Create Connection
  2. Close Connection
  3. Create Channel
  4. Close Channel
  5. Create an exchange exchangeDeclare
  6. Destroy an exchange exchangeDelete
  7. Create a queue queueDeclare
  8. Destroy a queue queueDelete
  9. Create a binding queueBind
  10. Unbind queueUnbind
  11. Publish a message basicPublish
  12. Subscribe to a message basicConsume
  13. Confirm a message basicAck
  14. Unsubscribe basicCancel

Therefore, on the basis of Broker, the client also needs to add Connection operation and Channel operation.

A Connection can contain multiple Channel. The data between Channel and Channel are independent and will not interfere with each other. This is mainly to better reuse TCP connections, achieve the effect of long connections, and avoid frequent creation and closing of TCP connections.

[!TIP] Connection can be understood as a network cable, and Channel is the specific cable in the network cable.

Message Response

Consumed messages need to be responded to. There are two response modes:

[!TIP] The purpose of manual response is to ensure that the message is successfully processed by the consumer. It is more common in some scenarios with high data reliability requirements.

Project module division

Detailed module division
**The overall implementation is divided into three parts:** 1. Server 2. Publishing client 3. Subscribing client ### Server module: **1. Data management module** - Switch data management module - Queue data management module - Binding data management module - Message data management module - The above four modules respectively implement data management (addition, deletion and query) and persistent storage. **2. Virtual machine data management module** - Virtual machine is actually the overall logical unit of switch + queue + binding + message. - Therefore, virtual data management is actually the combined management of the above four modules. **3. Switch routing module** - Message publishing, publish a new message to the switch, and the switch decides which queue to put it in and which queue to hand it over to. - The switch type plays a big role (direct exchange, broadcast exchange, topic exchange). The ideas of direct exchange and broadcast exchange are relatively simple, while topic exchange involves a rule matching process. - The exchange routing module is specifically for the matching process. **4. Consumer management module** - Consumer refers to a client that subscribes to a queue message. Once the queue has a message, it will be pushed to the client. - In the core API, there is a service for subscribing to messages. Please note that the subscription here does not mean subscribing to a message, but subscribing to a message in a queue. - Currently, the main function of message push is implemented, so once there is a message, it is necessary to find the information related to the consumer (the channel corresponding to the consumer). **5. Channel (communication channel) management module** - A connection may correspond to multiple communication channels. - Once a client wants to close the communication, it does not close the connection, but the corresponding communication channel. To close the channel, we need to cancel the client's subscription. **6. Connection management module** - It is a connection corresponding to a network communication. - Because when a connection is to be closed, all the channels associated with the connection should be closed, so there is also data management to at least manage the associated channels. **7. BrokerServer module on the server side** - This module is an integration of all the above modules into a server. ### Client module: **1. Consumer management module** - A subscription client, when subscribing to a queue message, is equivalent to creating a consumer. **2. Channel management module** - The client's channel corresponds to the server's channel one-to-one. The services provided by the server channel are equivalent to the client. The server provides services to the client, and the client provides services to the user. **3. Connection management module** - For users, all services are completed through channels. From the user's perspective, the channel is a communication channel (not a connection), so all requests are completed through channels. Connection management includes the integration of client resources. **4. Encapsulation implementation based on the above three modules:** - Subscription client: subscribe to a queue message, receive the pushed message and process it. - Publishing client: publish a message to a switch.

Detailed implementation

Project Extension

This project is ultimately just a simplified version of RabbitMQ, which only implements the most core functions of RabbitMQ. The purpose of doing this project is just to learn the underlying essential logic of RabbitMQ, so there are still many places that can be expanded.